Jeff Manning: Coder Turned Writer
Schrodinger’s Life
The thing they don’t prepare you for about when you get that phone call late at night is that your loved one is both alive, and dead in that moment of silence after hello.
Together, Once, We Dreamed
Sometimes, in my dreams, I dream of how things could have beenHow we would laugh, banter, and hug.But instead of all that, I threw it away with a shrug Relegating those days, I envy into the bin. I know I shouldn’t dwell on the what-ifsespecially given everything I have been givenThings now, have been ok…
I have always heard that your most important asset is time.When you’re a child, though, time is all you have.So I would run around and play outside and never have a care in the world. Then I got older, and everybody told me if you want to get ahead in life you better get a…
A Cats Perspective
It’s morning time and once again I must howl and yellTill my human gets out of bed, it’s my daily spellBut all I get is a pat on the head, my needs forgottenDon’t you know it’s been nearly 8 hours, my tummy’s rotten? I weave and bob between his feet, but he does not seeAnd…
A Rugged Man
Oh you know me, I’m a man of naturein plaid shirts and boots, I’m in my element for sureI can light a fire, pitch a tent in no timeAnd navigate the wilderness with ease and shine I’m a rugged man, with a heart full of gritI fear no animal, no matter how big or fitUntil…
Picky Tastes
My girlfriend, you see, has picky tastesShe’ll only eat at a few select placesI ask her to choose, but she always defers“I’ll see,” she says, leaving me in a lurch Confidently, I suggest burgers, steak, or seafoodBut she shakes her head, “Those make me toot”I relinquish control and let her decideAnd without fail, her choice…
The Southern Winds
The winds that come from the south they’re often warmThey often howl with a mighty rawr that fill the room But can come on without so much as to warnThough silent or loud, they can equally lead to doom The cause of the winds is naught discoverable Though studied at length, and studied again we…
This poem is part of a series of poems made as part of an exercise where the reader chooses 5 words and writes a poem about them. They than exchange their 5 words with another author who has written 5 other poems, resulting in a total of 20 pieces. The internet has a kind of…
The Prize
This poem is part of a series of poems made as part of an exercise where the reader chooses 5 words and writes a poem about them. They than exchange their 5 words with another author who has written 5 other poems, resulting in a total of 20 pieces. Fridays were always my favourite day…
This poem is part of a series of poems made as part of an exercise where the reader chooses 5 words and writes a poem about them. They than exchange their 5 words with another author who has written 5 other poems, resulting in a total of 20 pieces. Everyone tells me I need to…
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